Our team of professionals will work to coordinate the boxing, preparation, and transportation of your important records to our processing facility. If a personal pickup is not possible, FILE-X will help make shipping arrangements. We make sure to review the files at pickup and ensure all of the details are entered into our project management software.
Preparation of paper documents for scanning is often the most time-consuming and tedious part of the process. Our trained Preparation Specialists will remove all staples, paper clips, and fasteners; repair any ripped, torn, or folded pages; and carefully identify different sections of a document. Proper document preparation technique is the foundation for a successful document conversion project.
Our document scanning service center is equipped with leading-edge equipment. We continually invest in technology and process-development to ensure that we are leaders in the industry. Scanning is typically completed at 300 DPI and can be in B&W or color. All size paper, from 2 inches to 42 inches, can be scanned. Our Scanning Specialists are thoroughly trained on the equipment and engage in “Active Scanning” practices.
Additionally, FILE-X provides onsite and mobile scanning services.
When scanning documents, quality control is essential. We review every image to ensure readability and quality. Each image is carefully analyzed to ensure that nothing is missed during the scanning process. We have hardware- and software-based image-enhancement tools, guaranteeing your satisfaction with our output image quality.
All required data will be captured from the scanned images through a double-data-entry process. If your documents are to be uploaded into an EMR, ECM, etc, we’ll work with your software vendor to ensure a successful upload.
Your data and images will be delivered via the media you choose. Common choices for smaller projects are secure cloud, disc or thumbdrive. Larger projects may be delivered via external hard drive or secure cloud drive. Following scanning, original paper is stored, shredded or returned.